Meet The Team - Introducing Agatha!


1  Introduce yourself

Hi, I’m Agatha, I work with Ali at LookListen Game Audio, and it’s an absolute pleasure to be involved with Röki.

The role of sound design is to add to the experience the player is having when playing the game. This is a combination of making the environments in the game feel believable and giving the player feedback on what their character is doing and feeling. It’s a great balance between creativity, technical approach and thinking “outside of the box”. 

2. What was / who was your inspiration for wanting to be in the gaming industry?

I’m interested in interactivity, and how the sound can affect gameplay in a virtual space. Being able to contribute to that, and share it with people, is what ticked boxes for me. 

3. Favourite childhood game?

I used to play anything I could get my hands on. In the Summers I spent time playing Tekken and Street Fighter on arcades. Mortal Kombat was the main social thing, and I probably spent too many evenings racing in Need For Speed 2. 


4. Favourite game of the moment?

I’m currently enjoying co-op games, with Overcooked 2 being the main choice. I also find myself replaying Night in the Woods and Inside a lot these days. 


5. Who do you think would make you starstruck?

I like to think that I wouldn’t get starstruck by anyone, but instead could walk up to someone I admire and have a casual conversation. Nonetheless I’ve always wanted to be a fly on the wall during Rick Rubin’s recording sessions. I’ve read so many different stories about them, that it would be great to see for myself the reality of that process. 

6. And finally… Describe Röki in 5 words or less

A game you will remember. 

Alex Kanaris-Sotiriou